Guns N Butter – Shoeuzi


By J-Ldn (Jack London) is UK born artist residing in Stockholm, Sweden. His work mirrors relationships between cultures and objects, that draws often emotional and though-provoking reactions from the viewer. Focusing on street and pop culture J-Ldn currently uses resin and ceramic to bring his 2D designs to life.

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Guns N Butter from shoe uzi.

1 of 300 limited edition.

Includes~ ~Acrylic display stand ~Guns N Butter shoeuzi 4 part assembly ~Laces ~Handling gloves (No one likes fingerprints. Apart from the feds)

By J-Ldn (Jack London) is UK born artist residing in Stockholm, Sweden. His work mirrors relationships between cultures and objects, that draws often emotional and though-provoking reactions from the viewer. Focusing on street and pop culture J-Ldn currently uses resin and ceramic to bring his 2D designs to life.